While leaving the Max Mara show in Milan this week, Gigi had to put her boxing skills to use. The supermodel was attacked by a man since identified as Vitalii Sediuk. The media have daubed Sediuk a "serial prankster", who claims to have violated Gigi in an attempt to send a message against putting "cute girls from Instagram" on the runway.
Sediuk's attempt to grab Gigi was a pretty unsuccessful "prank". Although her security were slow to react, Gigi was quick to elbow her way out of Sediuk's grasp. The badass model began to chase the offender down the street, yelling a slew of (well deserved) curse words, before her security led her back to her car.
Gigi took to Twitter to comment on the event, and obviously thank her boxing coach.
and had EVERY RIGHT to defend myself. How dare that idiot thinks he has the right to man-handle a complete stranger. He ran quick tho 👊🏼😏🐱— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) September 22, 2016
Watch the video below, and then go book yourself some boxing classes.GIRLS, prepare yourselves so that, if you ever feel in danger, MUSCLE MEMORY can fight back for you. Thank you all so much for ur support.❤️— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) September 22, 2016