Sarah Harris and the Silver Hair Trend

September 18, 2016

A photo posted by Sarah Harris (@sarahharrisuk) on

Grannies and granddads, rejoice! Grey hair is in fashion.

I'm kidding. Kind of.

Meet Sarah Harris, the fashion features director of British Vogue. I recently came across her on one of my hours long Vogue Videos binges - don't judge - and I was starstruck. Sarah is in her thirties, and has a full head of silver hair. Unlike my granny's grey perm, Sarah's hair is somehow long, luscious and entirely lovely, to the point of me being jealous. And I'm 18.

A photo posted by Sarah Harris (@sarahharrisuk) on

The idea of going grey at my age is, in reality, kind of scary, but Sarah was even younger when she got her first strand. Having seen her mum spend years trying to hide her greys with dye, Sarah decided to embrace it from the start. Maybe that's why it looks so good - because she just works those locks with confidence.

Ironically, silver hair has become a trend as of late. Anyone with Tumblr or Pinterest will have seen plenty of photos of people rocking the silver/grey look. I used to associate grey hair with grandparents and ageing, but somehow this trend is spreading...and I kind of like it.

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Plenty of celebs have even ventured so far as dying their hair for specific events. The Met Gala has seen some silver hair over the years, with Nicole Richie going grey as far back as 2013, and both Ciara and Jourdan Dunn working the trend this year.

Image result for nicole richie grey hair
Nicole Richie Credit: Stylecaster 
Image result for jourdan dunn grey hair
Jourdan Dunn Credit: Self 
Image result for ciara met gala 2016
Ciara Credit: Self 

You have to hand it to Sarah Harris. It's all very easy to just dye your hair for a few days, weeks or months, but committing to going grey is brave in its own messed up way. It takes a lot of confidence to go against social standards and I respect her for it. Seeing Sarah Harris embrace her natural beauty so wholeheartedly is almost, empowering. And downright chic. 

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